The London Coffee Festival is the ‘biggest coffee celebration on planet earth’, with hundreds of industry professionals taking part in an event that attracts over 30,000 visitors. We were approached by leading non-dairy specialists Alpro to create an interactive feature linking Velopresso’s pedal-powered sustainability credentials with Alpro’s plant-powered environmentally friendly product and the festival’s chosen charity, Project Waterfall. During the 4-day event, Lasse and the Alpro team invited visitors to the festival to try their hand at pedal-grinding while sampling Alpro’s great professional range of non-dairy milks for coffee. It’s fair to say our interactive feature was a hit with the public and the coffee trade alike, and all were only too happy for their donations to be supporting the coffee growing communities at source by improving their access to clean potable water. To find out more about the activities of Project Waterfall and how you can help their important work, please click here.