Kathleen Roy made the journey from Quebec City to London last November to meet with us and try out a Velopresso. She explained how she had been trading organic vegan cuisine cooked on the spot from her beautiful La Bécane à Bouffe custom food trike for a few years and had noticed a gap in the market for mobile coffee unit. She was a delight to talk to and unusual client for us in two respects – she already had a lot of experience with running a business from a cargo trike which is a great starting point; and her height: At 1.52m (5’ 0”) she’s two inches smaller than the smallest customer we’ve fitted on our standard trike frame. When Kathleen later placed her order with us it was the first time we’ve fitted our special order ‘small’ rear frame option that would improve the fit, but as the framesets are modular it’s a simple switch. We also worked closely with Kathleen to help translate her existing brand identity over to her new coffee-based business for the trike panels. While we built Kathleen her dream coffee trike, she and her partner Nick embarked on intensive barista training to take their existing skills up to pro level. Once the trike was shipped to Canada and Kathleen began practicing it became clear that her size really was on the edge of what’s possible with a Velopresso, but by studying her riding position during video support calls we were able to advise her on how best to adjust the fit, and we are thrilled to report that Kathleen and Nick are both now happily pedal-grinding perfect coffees in and around Quebec City.