Velopresso have been hired to provide coffee services for several store openings for upmarket homewares company West Elm. The first was the launch of their elegant new Kingston store, where we provided free coffee to all visitors on the opening day. Corporate hire is something a Velopresso coffee trike excels at. Our coffee trikes can get into all kinds of spaces, and have been used around the world in all kinds of situations including galleries, department stores, hotel foyers, conference halls, trade shows, harbour-side and even up on rooftops. Our corporate clients appreciate the high quality of the coffee service, the distinctive engineered design and the quiet and unobtrusive presence. But more than anything it is the strong sustainability message that our trikes radiate with their use of pedal-power and their ultra low carbon-footprint that makes them stand out. Needless to say this west London event went down very well with the public and the West Elm team and we are looking forward to working with them again in the near future.